


1. 重视早餐:德国人的早餐较为丰盛,主食有面包、肉类、蔬菜和新鲜水果,种类繁多。面包有燕麦、白面、全麦等多种类型,可以搭配乳酪、火腿等食材。

2. 午餐简单快捷:德国人注重午餐的营养均衡,菜品口味较为简单。常见的主食有面包、香肠和肉制品,搭配马铃薯泥、酸甜甘蓝等。

3. 晚餐丰富多样:德国人的晚餐较为丰富,菜品种类繁多,包括烤猪肘、烤猪膝等特色菜肴。与午餐类似,晚餐也以肉类为主,搭配蔬菜和马铃薯泥等。

4. 热爱啤酒和香肠:德国人特别喜欢啤酒和香肠。德国啤酒分为白啤酒、清啤酒、黑啤酒等六大类,而香肠种类更是繁多,达到 1500 多种。

5. 偏爱甜食:德国人的饮食口味偏甜,尤其喜欢甜面包和糕点。他们的甜面包种类丰富,如巧克力面包、果酱面包等。

6. 送礼文化:德国人很重视送礼,拜访他人时通常会带上一束鲜花、一瓶葡萄酒或一本有意义的书籍等。

7. 餐饮礼仪:德国人在用餐过程中讲究礼仪,如使用刀叉、遵循用餐顺序等。此外,他们也很重视家庭聚餐,亲朋好友聚会时会共同分享美食。



大部分都是以烧烤为主的,而且他们国家比较喜欢吃面包,与肉类食物为主,绿色是蔬菜吃的比较少。德国的饮食特别的清淡,而且也没有一些肉类,而且通常只是清煮的状态,有时候也非常的不好吃。德国那边的饮食习惯也是一日三餐,早,中,晚,多数的德国人会进行下午餐,不过德国人更重视早餐,早餐首先有饮品,然后就是面包配上各种酱料,还有火腿肉类,他们的午餐大多偏向于快餐,比如土豆泥还有蔬菜拼盘面包 ,晚餐一般是冷食比如水果蔬菜。


  • 问题补充: 麻烦说的详细些
  • 这个得去问老德国了,待在德国待得时间比较长。应该会有一些地方特色。不过总体来看,德国人吃的也就是面包土豆香肠大肉。


  • 脱脂牛奶不减肥,顶多就是不增肥


  • 英语的小组作业,我负责的部分是德国的饮食文化,麻烦各位大神帮个忙,本人英语实在不行,但精通韩语,有需要的可以互帮嘛。。内容不用太多,大概2-3分钟的内容就行了,大概描述一下德国的饮食文化,哪些食物有名就可以了,2,3张PPT的内容,感谢了!!!问题补充: 不好意思,再麻烦配上中文,起码我得知道下意思嘛。。我也好找关于那食物的图片。。
  • The German diet has its own characteristics. The Germans are the Germanic family,hobbies "large pieces of meat, drink", pork consumption per person per year up to 66kilograms, ranking first in the world. The Germans eating pork, also love his pig. InGermanys largest industrial Ruhr City, although the area is many-storied buildingseverywhere, but residents in the building between the provision of a pig farm, every year hire butcher slaughter their own pigs, one family to eat half a year. Due to a preference for pork, most famous German dishes are pork products, a most famous dish is covered with all kinds of sour cabbage sausage and ham, sometimes with apig hind legs instead of sausage and ham. In addition to the German per capita pork,bread consumption among the world top 80 kilograms, per person per year to eatbread.Germany to bring, people immediately think of beer. Indeed, the German beer as the automobile, electrical appliances, football, be known to all the world, is famous in the world of beer kingdom. German beer consumption per capita ranks first in the world,is the worlds first "beer belly".The German diet culture has its unique features, they are "eat" and "treat" has a lot of experience is worth us thinking deeply.