英文读后感(“全英文”读后感, 你来看吗?)


今天来自38班的大姐大Lynda将通过全英文为大家讲述她的微学故事。上个月Lynda作为班长带领着全班的"战士们"肩并肩成为全年级的打卡挑战冠军,还有她对两本英文书Anything You Want还有Fish最真诚的分享。下滑线以下是Lynda的分享原稿,欢迎阅读和评论。Enjoy~

2nd Jan, 2017 was a memorable day. We received exciting news that our class finally became the Completion Challenge Champion or DAKA Champion(打卡挑战冠军)of all classes in WeStudyEnglish. It seems we are the dark horse since we are new to this community and we have not been doing extraordinarily well in the past few months.

Please allow me to briefly introduce the group members first. Yvette, who ranked No.1 in our class in November 2016, is a typical Sagittarius girl who turns out to be a magical combination of easygoing and braveness. 
Eric, also a Beijinger same like me, is currently studying in a famous university in HongKong. He is being called bel-esprit by the rest of us since he is such a good student who knows a lot. 
Lointain and Yongling were both committee members in December and Lointain loves to talk to me every day. (Wow, she seems really "loves" me huh?) 
I won't forget our beautiful dentist Nora, English teacher Tiger, and the extremely warmhearted 友爱使者--our big sister! We also got Jenny (a beautiful mother of two cute children), Vivian(who just beat me in the final exam of December and became the No.1 of Class No.38), Easthe, Suzie, Lucy and Winter.

I still remember the night of the third Wednesday of November, 2016. All amazing changes started from then.

It was my turn to do "Sharing of Talents" (达人分享) that day. Like what the others had done, I was just sharing some personal learning experiences to my classmates. I did not expect any special feedback but it was resonated pleasingly. My classmates listened carefully and I was thrilled by all the heartfelt comments. I thought that was already the best I can do, but reading the timeless book of that month, Fish, has triggered some even deeper thoughts. 

Fish is a great book. It tells us that even when you are in some tough and challenging situation, or when the environment limits or bothers you, you can always choose to change it by changing your attitude. If you refuse to change, then the only thing waiting for you ahead would be disappointing and end up giving up. 

This book has enlightened me and I wanted to give it a try even though I totally had no idea if I would succeed or not. After I was done with the experience sharing with a surge of emotion, I said we need higher purpose to stimulate our motivation. In order to give everyone an aim to fight for, I said we should fight for the Daka Champion of the platform.

The very next month I became the monitor of Class No.38 again. We have developed a detailed learning plan by integrating the four ingredients of Fish Philosophy. The plan was posted in the opening ceremony of December.

Here we come. I thought.

Class No.38 was quickly divided into many small groups(thanks to the massive work of Jenny, the monitor of November) and each group we got a leader.

I don't think it's an extraordinary idea. Like Derek Sivers said in Anything You Want. Ideas are just multiple numbers. It means nothing without good implementation. 

To my surprise again, people in the "Fight for Daka Champion!" group seem to cope with their new roles very well, they all have outstanding performance and some of them even became close friends with their group members. Wow, I didn't see that coming. They have been so supportive and making full implementation of every idea detail by detail. It's their extent effort that makes every thing happen, not just one idea nor just one person's effort.

Positive energy is infectious. I heard more and more people in my class said, "I am falling in love with our class." As the love growing, people seemed to be more willing to do things that can turn our class into a better place. It's like a hit song. It seems to start promoting itself like what Derek said in his book.

People may find this article very emotional. Some may think it’s kind of chicken soup for the soul which sounds so old school these days. But actually, you could also find emotional and sentimental words in the book—“Anything You Want.” If you were just listening but never tried to apply it in your life, it may call chicken soup for the soul. But if you ever tried to use it, it would become the keys to success.

In the end of this article, I want to finish it with a quote from Derek Siver’s book, which I love very much—

“But if you think that true love needs to look like Romeo and Juliet, you’ll overlook a great relationship that grows slowly. If you think your purpose needs to hit you like a lightning bolt, you’ll overlook the little day-to-day things that fascinate you. If you think that revolution needs to feel like war, you’ll overlook the importance of simply serving people better. When you’re onto something great, it won’t feel like revolution. It’ll feel like uncommon sense.”

I dedicate this article to all the members in Class No. 38. Love you all!! 



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