

  • 全球化对中国年轻人具有重大影响。英文:Globalization has a significant impact on young people in China.


  • 把本土化和全球化相结合Combine local害偿愤锻莅蹬缝拳俯哗ization with globalization


  • Nothing that the high number of jobs moving abroad asa result of the off-shoring of business service jobs to lower-wage countriesdoes not inherently create greater opportunities at home and that the mainwinners of globalization are the company executives.求这句话的翻译和解释。问题补充: Nothing that the high number of jobs moving abroad as a result of the off-shoring of business service jobs tolower-wage countries does not inherently create greater opportunities at homeand that the main winners of globalization are the company executives. 百度的排版出错了。我不要你们翻译器上的翻译。我需要专业一点的。最好能帮我解释一下这句话什么意思。
  • 任何工作的大量出国asa的离岸业务服务的工作低工资countriesdoes本质上不是在国内创造更多机会,mainwinners全球化的公司高管。