

1 北京是中国的首都,也是一个历史悠久的城市。
2 Beijing, the capital of China, is a city with a rich history.3 它拥有许多著名的景点,如故宫、天安门广场和长城。
4 It is home to many famous landmarks, such as the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall.5 北京也是一个现代化的城市,拥有现代化的建筑和繁华的商业区。
6 Beijing is also a modern city with modern architecture and bustling commercial areas.7 这里有丰富的文化活动和美食,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。
8 It offers a wide range of cultural activities and delicious cuisine, attracting visitors from all over the world.9 北京是一个充满活力和机会的城市,值得一游。
10 Beijing is a vibrant and dynamic city with plenty of opportunities, definitely worth a visit.


  • 不知道
  • 我去。。。

怎样才能学好英语? 我现在上高一,北京学生。英语的语法基础很差,单选、作文和完成句子做起来有些乏力

  • 怎样才能学好英语?我现在上高一,北京学生。英语的语法基础很差,单选、作文和完成句子做起来有些乏力。但是我并不讨厌英语,很想学好英语。平时我很喜欢背英语单词,但背会的单词在阅读中认识,可是却不会运用,这样感觉写作还是提不上来。现阶段我该继续背单词背短语呢,还是做专题练习学些语法筏长摧短诋的搓痊掸花,或者还有些其他的建议吗?求指点!!
  • 记单词没问题的话就要多看阅读了,不只是练习题,一些新闻,双语文章和简单的英文小说都可以看筏长摧短诋的搓痊掸花,配合的去看语法。


  • 作文要求包括:1.你对禁止买碳酸饮料的态度2.你持此态度的原因3.你对此有何建议120词左右急求,写的ok的话追加悬赏


  • 英文影评_158.2002 提供一篇冰河世纪的英语作文,见附件。


  • 假设你是来北京旅游的汤姆,请给你在英国的朋友托尼写一封信,告诉他你的经历和你对北京的看法。提示词语供选用:wonderful time interesting things,visit,photo,send,food,hope信的开头已给出: Dear Tony, How are you?(要用现在完成时!!!!!!!!!!)
  • 很遗憾,我不是汤姆,抱歉!

北京特点 英语作文 高中水平

  • 特点 北京的 额 不是人文 不是历史 不是食物 不是历史 是特点 跪求 {我新手 财富值一共20 } 倾家荡产求!
  • Today, in front of the National Museum of the Olympic countdown card figures show that just 800 days, we eagerly looked forward to for a long time, 2008 will be the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing. Not new lights, and not cross the line, and not drink driving, not Luantingluanfang : : Yesterday, the citys 300 buses, taxi drivers issued jointly "civilized journey starting with me" initiative for the upcoming 29th Olympic Games preparation. Olympics gradually approaching, and as we ordinary people in the excitement I, but should use their own civilization action to meet the arrival of the Olympic Games. Olympics is a sports event is held to States, organized the citys comprehensive quality tests, which include economic level, the management level, and so on, which is particularly important that the public were more civilized. Olympic short 10 days, tens of thousands of athletes gathered in urban areas is the most worrying thing. Beijing Lu very block is an indisputable fact that, with the citys rapid development will bring results, but it is undeniable with some great drivers uncivilized traffic. Arbitrarily and lines, stop, drink driving, etc., these uncivilized acts, not only to Lu Tian Du, the more people they Tiandu. The Beijing transit, a taxi driver driving initiatives civilization is the civilization with their own actions contribute to the improvement of the Beijing traffic, but also for Olympic glory. Of course, the Olympics is not just a matter ……余下全文


  • 英语作文:一个外国学生到北京体验中国,写信告诉他的朋友告诉他与中国学生相互学习,相互交流,周末参加体育活动。游览北京的名胜古迹,观看京剧,品尝美食,了解中国历史。喜欢这里的生活 写信!
  • How is it going?I hope you are in good health. In the here I and China students learn from each other,mutual exchange, my Chinese face great progress, and we often participate in sports activities. We also looked at the Beijing opera, taste Food, I also learned aboutthe history of Chinese. I like the life here very much.By the way,what do you think of the travling?望采纳!谢谢!


  • 一篇用过去时态写的英语作文大致内容(在去年夏天的我和妈妈去北京旅游,我拍了很多照片,我们还吃了北京烤鸭,我们去看了故宫,买了很多礼物送给我的好朋友。
  • last year i went to Beijing with my mother . Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in china .And there are lots of famous sights in Beijing. I likeThe palace Museum best . we took many photos there .Of course I ate beijing duck It tasted delicious .I bought many special gifts for my friends .I had a great time . I was very happy (原创作文)


  • 假设你是Jack,如今北京姑妈家。请依据下面的提示写一篇70词左右的日记 1.我于这周周一上午乘火车抵达北京,旅途愉快。 2..姑妈全家人对我十分亲切。 3.这几天表兄弟们带我参观了这座城市,今日我们游览了天安门广场、故宫,品味了北京烤鸭快点 急啊 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!拜托大家了
  • I arrived at Beijing by train on Monday morning, and I had a very pleasant journey. My aunt and her family was very hospitable and friendly to me. These days, my cousins took me for a trip around the city. Today, we went to a lot of places of interest, like the Tianan Men Square and the Forbidden Palace. We also had Beijing Roast Duck. 这些只是直译要求写到的东西,如果你想添加一些让文章出彩的东西的话,可以在结尾加上I had great fun going around Beijing with my cousins and my aunt之类的话。希望回答对你有帮助~


  • 通俗易懂,初一水平,不要复制,最好是看得懂的,简单点。
  • As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china。So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold . The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for its beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .If you want to have a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place.When you feel tired after one days journey ,you can taste the "Zha Jiang Mian",a kind of traditional food in Beijing.There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park ,visit the"Si He Yuan"and so on.I hope you can have a happy time in Beijing.o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你!(*^__^*)★★★★★请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)