











  • 觉得前面考得不错,就看作文了,小学六年级,上,要求让我写一件事,我写了三件事,扣分在几分到几分以内?题目是“她是我的榜样”,在线等,有问题再问!!
  • 作文评分一般是先定档,再适当加减些分数,偏题一般最高归在第三、四档,即6-18分


  • Shall we take an active part in the sports meeting?Our school is going to take place a sports meeting.Some students are looking forward to taking part in the sports meeting.Others suggest that it will waste too much time.In my opinion, a sports meeting can relax us from our busy study.As a saying goes,"All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy,"A sports meeting can add excitement and interesting to our study.There is no doubt that it is important for us to have sports.During the sports meeting,students can build up health and win honour for their class.Its surely a good teamwork.All in all, we should take an active part in the sports meeting.Its not only help our class win honour but also help ourselves build up health.
  • Shall we take an active part in the sports meeting?Our school is going to take place(take place 发生的意思,学校应该举行hold) a sports meeting.Some students are looking forward to taking part in the sports meeting.Others suggest that it will waste too much time.In my opinion, a (前面提过,后面再说就特指用the)sports meeting can relax us from our busy study.As a saying goes,"All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy,"A (the)sports meeting can add excitement and interesting(这是个形容词,后面要加东西,比如,activities) to our study.There is no doubt that it is important for us to have sports.During the sports meeting,students can build up health and win honour for their class.Its surely a good teamwork.All in all, we should take an active part in the sports meeting.Its(去掉is,help加s) not only help our class win honour but also help ourselves build up health.英语基础很扎实,继续努力哦


  • Propaganda is a form of inaccurate information, and this has always used to influence people’s attitudes, opinions, and thoughts toward a particular thing. The militarists had always exploited the propaganda to manipulate people’s minds, and they created hatred for a particular unprofitable group or a state. Meanwhile, the politicians also used it to develop negative motivations were beneficial to them in a similar way as militarists would do. Also, the propaganda itself is used widely in commercial and religion in order to gain the essential support from people. The propaganda has the negative effects toward society, because it has always utilized by the militarists, politicians, and even human desires.
  • 宣传是一种不准确的信息,这一直用来影响人们的态度、观点和思想对一个特定的事情。军国主义者一直利用宣传操纵人的思想,和他们创建了一个特定的仇恨不赚钱的集团或国家。与此同时,政客们还用它来发展负面动机以类似的方式对他们是有益的军国主义。此外,宣传本身是广泛应用于商业和r

作文素材 改正错误

  • 古人
  • 毛坯抈榣人家产有要不上班


  • Dear Sir or Madam:I am glad to receive your letter, I am also a student who is keen on animals. You know that many creatures are living on the earth with us which make our life more colorful and meaningful. So, we must pay more attention to them, otherwise they will be extinct forever.Tibetan Antelope which is also known as The Hox Xil Pride is a animal which lives in the Tibetan Plateau. It’s a gregarious animal. But it’s horn and fur is also very expensive. So many hunters after killing them, peel off their skin, and pull out their horn to sell.As a student. Despite we can’t go to stop the killing. What we can do is to appealing others not to buy the things make of the horn, or the clothes make of their fur. There is a saying that: When the buying stops, the killing can too.I am looking forward to receive your letter about the protection plans of this animal.
  • -你可以用There are many creatures lived on earth like us, 代替 You know that many creatures are living on the earth with us-However, their horns and furs are very valuable 代替 But its horn…-Therefore many hunters peel off their skin and pull out their horn after killing them 代替 So many…-As a student, we couldnt stop the killing but what we can do are appeal others…-There is a saying that stated: ….the killing stops too-最后一句…of animal like this.希望能帮到你,望采纳~

这是我写的作文中的一段,请问哪有错误?怎么改?为什么这么改?全回答我就采纳,谢谢。 I am de

  • 这是我写的作文中的一段,请问哪有错误?怎么改?为什么这么改?全回答我就采纳,谢谢。I am delighted to receive your letter. I would like to share some advices with you about the method of read.
  • read改为reading,其它都没问题,写得很好


  • 求一个英语高手帮我改一下作文中的语法错误,留下邮箱!
  • 长坂坡曹洪:“丞相你看!那个敌将又杀回来了!”夏侯惇:“今天已经是第七次了吧,他不累呀?”曹操:“可恶啊……一定要把我的人马全部杀光才肯罢手么!?”在乱军中奋战的赵云:“张飞这个狗日的!让我殿后又不给我地图,长坂桥在哪里呀”


  • 我自己写的一个作文开头,评价一下,指出些缺点、错误,优点,还有一些改进。谢谢! 拥有渴望,感觉真好 迷茫过,却不知;拥有过,却不惜。在过去的日子里,没有思考过、努力过,仅仅感觉一切还不错。其实是迷茫了、麻木了,感觉不到。当自己对未来充满了渴望时,才发现自己依然有许多东西,需要去渴望、去追求、去完成,让自己幸福。
  • 因为爱情,在哪个地方,依然还有人在哪里忧伤


  • 原文:My favourite movie is transformer. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects. I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.
  • 对了很好要是再L加一点就很好了


  • 日中の谚に犬や鱼や牛の周波数の顺位ほぼ一致して、数量の差も纸一重である。违うのは、日本の谚に鱼の数量が犬より多いである。そのによれば、家庭に饲われていた动物として、人间はそれらの生活习惯や性格特徴がよくしていって、常に物事の道理の比喩対象としてよく使った。谚におかける动物のイメージというのは、谚を読者はどのような连想をしているかということ。异なる民族は、动物に対する感情が谚に具体的な表现も违う。伝统文化に影响され、异なる生活环境及び考え方と生活経験が违うので、日中両国人民は同じ物事の道理を表现しようとしている时、异なる动物に関する谚を表现している。つまり、谚の意味が同じですが、使われる动物のイメージは违う。
  • 你是中国人吗