题目为最快乐的一天的作文400字 以最快乐的一件事为题目写一篇作文


昨天下午我们一家去了公园。 公园里很美的风景吸引了我,有好多好玩的,有摩天轮,可以看到整个郑州市的风景;也有在空中滑翔的小火车,可以看到整个人民公园,还有许多刺激的。如:疯狂老鼠、过山车、蹦极。还有娱乐的。如:‘‘碰碰车······’’。 最令我高兴的是我们买票进了鸟园。里面有各种各样的鸟类,我第一眼看到的是孔雀。一会儿有个广播说有鹦鹉表演,我和弟弟就迫不及待地去了。节目开始后有鹦鹉骑自行车、打篮球、捡垃圾、玩滑梯、爬梯子和下梯子、认钱······。还有一个是叼一块钱的纸币。观众们把一张张一元一元的纸钱举地高高的,那只鹦鹉会立刻飞到人的手上把钱叼走,当我和弟弟看的入迷的时候,爸爸来叫我们下去玩。我们下来又去玩和尚撞钟,一会儿有人把荡秋千的位置让出来时,爸爸又玩了起来,弟弟看见了又把爸爸的位置给抢占了。不一会儿另一个位置又空了,我跑上前去荡了起来,当我玩的正玩的开心时看见妈妈却在一旁呆呆的看着我。于是我把妈妈叫了过来,接着把妈妈送坐到去秋千上开心地玩着。弟弟看见了,又把位置让给了爸爸,我推着妈妈,弟弟推着爸爸,即开心又高兴地玩着。 当要离开的时候,我们依依不舍地离开了。


The happiest thing that I could think of is preparing gifts for my mother. As is known to all, the second Sunday of May is the mother's day. This year, I decided to prepare a surprise for her. I went to the market in the afternoon. And I chose some of my mother's favorite food. Then I returned home and cooked two dishes for her under the help of my fathe. When my mom returned home in the evening, she saw the candles on the table and the card i wrote for her. She was so moved and burst into tears, I never expected her reactions could be like that. My mom have devoted so much for me. But I never expected that such little efforts can make her so happy. My heart is full of sense of achievement and I knew I was the happiest person in the world.
